What is the WMSCOG?

what is the wmscog h

The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) is a Christian non-denominational church that bases its beliefs entirely on the Bible.

Who is Ahnsahnghong?

ahnsahnghong in the bible

The World Mission Society Church of God believes Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Second Coming Jesus. This belief is based on the testimonies of the Bible.

ASEZ WAO Rock Creek Park Cleanup in Washington, D.C.

ASEZ WAO volunteers hosted a cleanup at Rock Creek Park, one of the largest urban parks in the U.S. They removed trash from fields and trailheads, preventing waste from potentially reaching the ocean. This effort was part of the No More Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) Campaign. To read more, click here.

DIY T-Shirt Tote Bag Event Hosted by ASEZ

UofL students take a group shot with their ASEZ DIY tote bags

The Harmful Effects of Textile Waste The average American throws away over 80 pounds of clothing every year. That’s equal to about 190 t-shirts per person. Around 85% of that waste ends up in our landfills. This produces tons of waste and can have a negative effect on the environment. It can contribute to plastic […]

Earthquake Disaster Relief Efforts in Guanica, Puerto Rico

Earthquake Disaster Relief in Guanica, Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is characterized by its beautiful scenery, beaches and welcoming people. But, in January 2020, a magnitude 6.4 earthquake hit the southwestern part of the island. This disaster impacted the lives of thousands of residents and left people homeless. Buildings, cars, houses and local businesses were left crushed and completely destroyed. Tremors continued after […]

Human Rights Day Tabling Event by ASEZ Near Northeastern University

ASEZ Human Rights Day Tabling Event at Northeastern University

Sometimes, we forget how important our fundamental human rights are. But ASEZ volunteers set out to empower their local community. On December 19, about 15 ASEZ volunteers hosted a tabling event near Northeastern University in honor of International Human Rights Day. International Human Rights Day Human Rights Day is globally commemorated every year on December […]