ASEZ WAO Tabling in Boston

ASEZ WAO Volunteers Raise Awareness About Ways to Reduce Plastic

On Sunday, July 11 ASEZ WAO volunteers held a paneling display in the city of Boston. The purpose was to raise awareness of the dangers of plastic waste and pollution. Reduce Plastic Use is one of ASEZ WAO’s eight campaigns. The goal is to promote a decrease in plastic production, consumption, and disposal.

Through the campaign, volunteers hope to prevent the formation of another Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP). To accomplish this, they made a goal to collect 80,000 tons of plastics dumped on land.

Participants Pledge to Help Reduce Plastic


Volunteers set up at Brigham Circle near the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. They set up tents, panels, and a cornhole game station to promote recycling. While at the tent, people posted their personal pledges. Also, they answered the question: “What Can I Do to Reduce Plastic?” Participants pledged to start using reusable bags and bottles, for instance.

Consequently, over 50 workers and students signed up to know more about ASEZ WAO and get involved. Among those who signed up was James H. Maguire, MD who specializes in Infectious Disease and Internal Medicine in Boston. Another participant was Frank Azorsa, a student at Boston University and a Marine Biology major. He was shocked after learning the average person consumes about one credit card per week.

“I learned a lot about the campaign that ASEZ WAO has been doing on how to reduce plastic on the planet,” Frank said. “Congratulations on this initiative and I hope I can collaborate!”

ASEZ WAO Takes Steps Towards a Cleaner Future for the Environment

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As a result, ASEZ WAO volunteers plan to host a cleanup. Moreover, this is the beginning of taking the lead towards a cleaner global environment. Volunteers will continue to encourage their communities to be the solution to the global plastic-use issue.

Click here to learn more about ASEZ WAO, its initiatives, and how you can get involved!

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