Smile Campaign
Sharing Love With Family, Friends and Beyond
In a world where depression and feelings of loneliness have become more common, bringing a smile to someone’s face can be monumental. Knowing the tremendous effects of a smile, Church of God volunteers strive to share the love of God with their neighbors through the Smile Campaign.
This campaign consists of an array of events and projects for the happiness of the world. Activities include visiting senior citizens, assisting in charity events, holding appreciation banquets for first responders and various social welfare projects. Through such events, volunteers hope to inspire a sense of unity and benevolence in their communities. And it all starts with a smile.
Featured Activities

The Church of God in Boston Hosts a Korean Cultural Experience Event
On Sunday, August 20, 2023, the Church of God in Boston, MA hosted a Korean Cultural Experience Event. From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., 100 guests attended the event at the Boston Hilton Hotel in Back Bay.

Church of God Hosts the First University Student Summer Camp
The World Mission Society Church of God held the first university student summer camp. Around 90 ASEZ students gathered at the Church of God in New Windsor from Washington D.C.,

ASEZ Concert at the Lincoln Center
The Church of God Orchestra and New Jerusalem Choir performed at the Lincoln Center for ASEZ’s Working Together for World Peace concert. During the concert, on behalf of the NYS Assembly, Assemblyman Nader Sayegh presented a citation to ASEZ in recognition of their outstanding volunteerism.