ASEZ WAO Volunteers Raise Awareness About Ways to Reduce Plastic
On Sunday, July 11 ASEZ WAO volunteers held a paneling display in the city of Boston. The purpose was to raise awareness of the dangers
A historically rich city, Boston is not only the home of many of the first settlers but also the first university in North America. The Church of God in Boston, too, has a rich history of helping its fellow Bostonians through cleanups, blood drives, and seminars.
Most recently, the Church held an Emergency Preparedness Training. Westborough Police and Fire Departments delivered the education. About 100 guests from all throughout the New England area attended and learned the tools and methods to protect themselves and others in times of emergency.
Guests also studied about the history of Christianity and the Church of God and the source of the members’ care for the well-being of others.
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On Sunday, July 11 ASEZ WAO volunteers held a paneling display in the city of Boston. The purpose was to raise awareness of the dangers
Sometimes, we forget how important our fundamental human rights are. But ASEZ volunteers set out to empower their local community. On December 19, about 15
The Church of God partners with Mass General Hospital to host its 974th Mega Blood Drive in order to share the love of the New Covenant Passover. Volunteers collected enough pints of blood in order to save 200 lives.
The Church of God held a united New England Emergency Preparedness Training. Representatives from the Westborough Police and Fire Departments trained attendees on how to respond to emergency situations.
Eighty-eight people donated blood at the Church of God’s blood drive for patients at Mass General Hospital in Boston.
Volunteers from all over New England gathered together for a united ASEZ cleanup in Brookline, MA. They collected 25 bags of trash in total.
Members from Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire donated blood in the 2018 Mega Blood Drive for the Passover at Westborough, Massachusetts.
Members from the Boston and Springfield Church of God locations teamed up to remove trash from Dodge Park in an effort to beautify the park for the spring.
Volunteers paid a visit to the residents from Shrewsbury Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. They entertained the residents with music from the ’50s and ’60s.
The Church of God held the East Coast Mega Blood Drive at 13 locations along the East Coast. The blood drive in New England garnered more than 100 units of blood.
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ASEZ East Coast
ASEZ WAO East Coast
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