Making a Safe Environment
Members of the World Mission Society Church of God’s university volunteer group, ASEZ, carried out a park cleanup at Leroy Hoequist Park. They banded together, even during their winter break, to beautify the park and Lake G in the heart of Orlando, Florida. This event is all part of ASEZ’s “Reduce Crime Together” movement.
On December 18, volunteers consisting of students from nearby universities such as UCF, Valencia, Rollins, and Full Sail, joined the cleanup effort. ASEZ student volunteers themselves organized the cleanup, being joined by Keep Orlando Beautiful, who co-hosted the cleanup. Keep Orlando Beautiful provided all of the cleaning tools used for the day, such as nets, pickers, and trash bags.

Located in the heart of Orlando, Leroy Hoequist Park is a popular park for families to spend time together. It’s also located right next to a local elementary school. However, sharp glass and other litter have made the park and lake dangerous, especially putting young children at risk.
Results and Reactions
To make the area safer, volunteers removed dangerous waste and other debris from the park and lake. They also cleaned up and beautified an entire playground. Despite the cold wind and rain, the volunteers gathered 18 bags of trash in just a few fours.
“We just want to show the love of mother through this movement,” said Jessica Conn, as ASEZ volunteer. “We really feel like we have created a safer environment for everybody.”

“We have people walking through this park daily with their small children, so this cleanup has really cut down the safety hazard,” said Sean Hipps, Coordinator of Keep Orlando Beautiful. “These students have been some of the most passionate, most involved individuals I have ever known, and I can’t wait to work with them more in the future.”
Furthermore, Sean stated that the cleanup will also make the lake more habitable for marine plant life. Animal life, such as fish and birds, will especially benefit from the clean environment. He also said that cleaning up the park will help prevent individuals from loitering in the area and discourage vandalism. Lastly, he encouraged the student volunteers, telling them to keep up the good work.
Contact us to find out how to make a difference in our next cleanup near you!