ASEZ Welcomes the School Year with Zero Crime Street Cleanup
ASEZ volunteers from several Capital Region colleges held their Zero Crime Street Cleanup in Albany, NY. They were joined by Judge Regina Rinaldi and Councilman Owusu Aneke.
ASEZ volunteers from several Capital Region colleges held their Zero Crime Street Cleanup in Albany, NY. They were joined by Judge Regina Rinaldi and Councilman Owusu Aneke.
ASEZ student volunteers were joined by New York State Assemblyman Nader Sayegh during their Pelton Park cleanup in Yonkers, NY.
ASEZ volunteers from various universities and community colleges held a cleanup at the Wrigley Park neighborhood of Paterson, NJ. They removed a total of 50 bags of trash.
On August 25, ASEZ hosted a graffiti removal project event at the University of Louisville. Students gathered in front of the Bellamy student housing on
On August 18, ASEZ volunteers from various colleges and universities in the Bronx and Staten Island joined together to clean Randall Avenue in the Bronx, NY. Together with Assemblywoman Karines Reyes, the volunteers collected over 400 bags of trash.
The Church of God Orchestra and New Jerusalem Choir performed at the Lincoln Center for ASEZ’s Working Together for World Peace concert. During the concert, on behalf of the NYS Assembly, Assemblyman Nader Sayegh presented a citation to ASEZ in recognition of their outstanding volunteerism.
Around 70 ASEZ volunteers held a Mt. Pleasant Park cleanup in Baltimore, MD as part of their Reduce Crime Together campaign. Together, they removed 80 bags of debris and clipped back branches and vines.
On July 8, 2019, ASEZ volunteers from four colleges in Orlando, Florida partnered with Keep Orlando Beautiful and the Orlando Police Department to remove graffiti and debris near Eagle’s Nest Elementary School, located in the MetroWest neighborhood.
ASEZ held a united NYC cleanup at Clason Point Park in the Bronx, NY, collecting over 150 bags of trash. The students were supported by the office of Assemblywoman Karines Reyes.
ASEZ Volunteers Host a Graffiti Removal Project at Iconic Shopping Center On June 23, 2019, ASEZ, the student volunteer group of the World Mission Society
ASEZ volunteers took some time out over Memorial Day Weekend to brighten up Prospect Park in Troy, NY. They removed graffiti, repainted the memorial and collected more than 1,400 pounds of debris.
ASEZ student volunteers from Manhattanville College, Westchester Community College and Baruch College removed graffiti and litter from Cranberry Lake Preserve in North White Plains, NY.
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ASEZ East Coast
ASEZ WAO East Coast
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