ASEZ volunteers with Speaker of the New York State Assembly, Carl E. Heastie

ASEZ New York State Capitol Visit

ASEZ Receives an Invitation to the New York State Capitol

On May 6, 2019, about three dozen ASEZ student volunteers introduced their volunteer activities during their New York State Capitol visit in downtown Albany. The New York State Capitol building houses the New York State Senate as well as the New York State Assembly. Moreover, it is here where 63 senators and 150 assembly members gather together from various New York districts.

ASEZ (Save the Earth from A to Z) acquired a special sponsorship from State Senator Monica Martinez to set up booths at the entrance of the Legislative Building. ASEZ displayed several panels showcasing their volunteer initiatives and the awards they’ve received around the world. Stationing themselves at each table, the students spoke about the panels as well as the recent activities they’ve held.

Some of ASEZ’s recent events in New York State include a cleanup at Madison Park in Albany, a cleanup near the College of Saint Rose in Albany, and yet another cleanup at Clason Point Park in the Bronx. Furthermore, ASEZ students hosted a NYS Citizen Preparedness Training at Lehman College last year, inviting the National Guard and various professionals to speak on disaster preparedness.

Senators and Assembly Members Give Kudos to ASEZ

Throughout the course of the day, several senators and assembly members stopped at the tables to learn about ASEZ. Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez also stopped by to express words of thanks to the volunteers. On May 5, she awarded ASEZ with a citation for their hard work in cleaning up various spaces in the Bronx, which is her district.

Hoping to identify the specific needs of their home state, the student volunteers established new partnerships with the members of the Senate and Assembly. For ASEZ, this all played an important role in giving an opportunity for their goals, which fall in line with the Global Goals of the United Nations, to push forward. Even Carl E. Heastie, Speaker of the New York State Assembly, stopped by to speak with ASEZ.

Assemblyman Chris Tague was one of many who took the time to learn about ASEZ and their volunteer services during their tabling session. Being moved and impressed by their achievements, he invited the volunteers to join the NYS Assembly Session in the Assembly Chamber. Moreover, he introduced ASEZ before the Assembly, expressing his excitement for their volunteer work.

Assemblyman Chris Tague introducing ASEZ before the NYS Assembly
Assemblyman Chris Tague introducing ASEZ before the New York State Assembly on May 6, 2019.

Afterwards, ASEZ received an invitation to yet another meeting. However, this time, ASEZ would attend the New York State Senate Session in the Senate Chambers. Recognizing the good deeds of ASEZ, State Senator Monica Martinez, who sponsored the volunteers, introduced them before all senators and committees present at the NYS Senate Session.

Senator Martinez introduced the volunteers, saying, “What they are doing is that they are using the power of belief, the power of strength to make sure that our communities are safe. And what they have concluded is that when we all work together against hate and crime, that we will have great communities surrounding one another.”

She continued to speak highly about the efforts of the volunteers and their impact on society, before going on to thank them and promising to join their next cleanup. ASEZ was then welcomed by a round of applause, receiving formal recognition from the Senate.

ASEZ being introduced by Senator Monica Martinez before the entire NYS Senate
Senator Monica Martinez introducing ASEZ during the New York State Senate Session on May 6, 2019.

ASEZ Working for the Betterment of Society

Globally, ASEZ carries out the SAVE movement: Social Services, Awareness Raising, Victim Relief and Environmental Protection. Furthermore, their projects in these areas align well with the Global Goals (or Sustainable Development Goals) established for the benefit of ending poverty and neutralizing environmental destruction. One of ASEZ’s campaigns, “Reduce Crime Together,” aims at street cleanups and graffiti removal. Through their activities, they hope to raise awareness on the correlation between crime and the appearance of a community. Their belief, based on the broken windows theory, is that urban blight increases the likelihood of crime. Furthermore, the theory suggests that removing such signs of crime can dramatically reduce the presence of crime. This campaign is currently being accomplished through the actions of ASEZ students in 175 countries across the world.

ASEZ volunteers at the New York State Capitol in Albany

Young adults, who are the future leaders, are in the best position to change the direction of the world we currently live in. ASEZ is motivated to initiate such change for the better. They do this through volunteer activities, believing that it can produce peace, safety and happiness for all. The volunteers believe that keeping the streets clean is one of many ways to share such love with their neighbors. Moreover, they believe it will make the world a better place for all 7 billion people. To learn more about volunteering with ASEZ or to collaborate on a project in your district, please reach out to us so that we may work together!

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ASEZ WAO Webster Avenue Cleanup in Norwood, NY

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4 Responses

  1. Wow! ASEZ is an amazing group, so glad to see they received the opportunity to share all about the good they do for the world and with such prestigious and great government people.
    ASEZ sets a good example for the youth all across the world

  2. This is very impressive! Good to see such a passionate and youthful group like ASEZ be recognized and supported by our government. I hope more are inspired to carry out beautiful deeds through this.

  3. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “0”. Reason: Human SPAM filter found “!! you” in “comment_content” *]
    Great job ASEZ!! Your mission of helping all 7 billion people in the world is so inspiring. It is an honor to have you at the Capitol Building to share with and inspire the current government members to make the world brighter!

  4. Fantastic! Really, truly magnificent!

    When I first joined the World Mission Society Church of God as a member, my close relatives had many concerns. First, the bible studies were quite different and strictly bible based compared to the church bible lessons I had attended prior. God the Mother was such a foreign topic and it was unclear why keeping the Sabbath was so important, when for generations we kept Sunday worship regularly. Despite their concerns, through this church I began to take steps towards becoming a devout Christian and have learn God’s teachings and commands. Not only has my lifestyle changed to become a better more enthusiastic member of society, but my outlook on life has become more positive. My words and actions are full of thought and consideration for others in addition I receive compliments at my workplace and community for the many kind deeds I’ve been inspired to do by learning at this church.

    All of this to say ^^^

    I’m truly grateful to be a part of such a wonderful organization and I’m so happy to see how much efforts WMSCOG is taking to contribute toward society and better living for all mankind by being a great influence on young adults such as myself to participate in saving the world.

    ASEZ is such a beautiful thought out way to unite young adults and like-minded to have a sense of responsibility in saving our world.

    With all the bountiful deeds and good news this church brings, my family has become supportive of my christian values and continues to encourage me to live this good life in the church of God!

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