Susan B. Anthony Cleanup in Rochester, NY
On April 11, 2021, 40 Church of God volunteers hosted their Susan B. Anthony cleanup in Rochester. Volunteers from Churches of God in Buffalo, Syracuse,
Syracuse was named “One of America’s Top 20 Green Cities” by the National Geographic’s Green Guide. The Church of God in Syracuse also puts emphasis on eco-friendly and sustainable practices. New York State Assembly Member Al Stirpe joined the Church of God’s “Goodbye, Plastic!” Forum, promoting action to help take care of the earth.
ASEZ university students in Syracuse are also making efforts to preserve the natural beauty and ensure the safety of their neighborhoods through Reduce Crime Together cleanups around their campuses and in residential areas and parks, including the famous Thornden Park–76-acres of land east of Syracuse University. In Thorden Park alone, they collected 3,250 pounds of leaves and laid fresh mulch on the park’s two playgrounds.
Interested in joining the Church of God in Syracuse for an upcoming volunteer service event or to study the Bible? Send us a note!
On April 11, 2021, 40 Church of God volunteers hosted their Susan B. Anthony cleanup in Rochester. Volunteers from Churches of God in Buffalo, Syracuse,
ASEZ WAO members held the Environmental Protection Forum for a Sustainable Future to discuss ways to reduce plastic waste and reverse its damaging effects on the environment.
ASEZ volunteers carried out a vacant property cleanup in the Brighton neighborhood of Syracuse, NY as part of their “Reduce Crime Together” campaign. They filled a dumpster with about 1,400 pounds of trash.
ASEZ brought the “Reduce Crime Together” initiative to Thornden Park in Syracuse, NY in an effort to lessen crime by beautifying the park.
ASEZ volunteers carried out the “Mother’s Street” campaign at the University at Buffalo, removing excess vegetation and weeds in front of student housing near the South Campus.
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ASEZ East Coast
ASEZ WAO East Coast
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