ASEZ Welcomes the School Year with Zero Crime Street Cleanup
ASEZ volunteers from several Capital Region colleges held their Zero Crime Street Cleanup in Albany, NY. They were joined by Judge Regina Rinaldi and Councilman Owusu Aneke.
ASEZ volunteers from several Capital Region colleges held their Zero Crime Street Cleanup in Albany, NY. They were joined by Judge Regina Rinaldi and Councilman Owusu Aneke.
ASEZ volunteers took some time out over Memorial Day Weekend to brighten up Prospect Park in Troy, NY. They removed graffiti, repainted the memorial and collected more than 1,400 pounds of debris.
ASEZ volunteers spent the day at the New York State Capitol, speaking with senators and assembly members about their volunteer activities. ASEZ was also formally introduced during the NYS Senate and Assembly sessions.
ASEZ student volunteers from UAlbany and The Sage Colleges of Albany removed 1,600 pounds of garbage from Madison Park and its adjacent side streets.
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