The Churches of God throughout the East Coast all celebrated their mothers during Mother’s Day 2015. In Louisville, members hosted a special dinner for their moms to let them know how much they love and appreciate them.
The highlight of the day featured the poems, and letters sons and daughters wrote to demonstrate their gratitude for their mothers. Moms give up themselves to love and care for their children and members wanted to portray that. Everyone in the room felt the sincere thanks and admiration the speakers had for their mothers. And hearing their children recite these poems and letters moved the moms to tears.

After enjoying a delicious meal, the guests watched a video that explored the origin of the maternal love. It illustrated a biblical explanation that this love is inherited from God the Mother.
It was a heartfelt day at the Church of God in Kentucky. Everyone left with a renewed appreciation for the hardships and difficulties their mothers went through to raise them. The mothers, in particular, left having received lots of joy in knowing that their children recognize their love.