World Mission Society Church of God volunteers cheering walkers during Avon Walk for Breast Cancer 2013

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer 2013

Love is patient, love is kind, let’s keep on walking to the finish line,” echoed throughout New York City at the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer on Sunday, October 20, 2013.

With an early start, nearly 150 volunteers from the World Mission Society Church of God shared the love of Heavenly Mother by cheering on the brave participants in the two-day, 39-mile walk throughout Manhattan, with a final celebration kicking off at Pier 84.

Volunteers prepared for days leading up to the walk. They practiced several cheers and put together encouraging messages on signs and created hand-made pom-poms, all the proper accessories to add pep to their cheers.

Taking their positions, the volunteers stood out in their signature yellow shirts. They set up with purpose along the route, ready to boost confidence and show solid support. They were equipped with posters, noisemakers, whistles and strong shouts, hoping to boost the walkers’ energy for the last stretch to the finish line.

At Columbus Circle, volunteers formed two rows, creating an aisle for the walkers to feed off the walls of cheers as they passed by. The runners responded with dance moves, accelerated running and a round of high-fives as they made their way down, pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm.

The walk concluded at the Pier, where Carol Kurzig, president of the Avon Foundation for Women, commended the volunteers for their cheers saying, “You guys were great!”

The walk helped raise $6.7 million, which will go towards finding a cure to breast cancer and provide counseling and care for newly diagnosed patients. The World Mission Society Church of God volunteers were thankful to participate and remind the supporters that their efforts are appreciated.

Running 39 miles in Manhattan is no easy feat but their motivation was greater than themselves. The cheers were a reminder that support and encouragement can have a domino effect. This was the second year in a row volunteers from the Church of God supported the race and their bright example resonated with everyone once more.

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