Student Volunteers Beautify Prospect Park in Honor of Memorial Day
On May 26, 2019, about 30 ASEZ university student volunteers spent part of their Memorial Day Weekend cleaning up Prospect Park in Troy, NY. The volunteers carried out the cleanup as part of their “Reduce Crime Together” campaign. Their goal was to create a safe and welcoming environment for the residents of Troy.

Prospect Park is one of the most frequently visited parks in Troy; local residents call it the “Hollywood of Troy,” because of its scenic view that overlooks the entire city. The City of Troy, however, expressed that the park was in need of extra hands to clean it up. Upon hearing this, ASEZ volunteers took initiative and assessed the areas that needed the most improvement. They presented a plan of action and worked with the City of Troy to carry out the cleanup.
Brightening Up Prospect Park
The volunteers started their morning brightening up the park by cleaning and removing graffiti from the Uncle Sam Memorial. They also put a fresh coat of white paint on the surface of the memorial. Additionally, they pulled up the weeds that surrounded it and removed piles of dead leaves that had blown on the paths and floor of the gazebo.

Afterwards, the volunteers proceeded to the tennis courts. There, they removed weeds that had sprouted through the concrete. Furthermore, they cleaned the large buildup of decomposing leaves that littered the edges of the courts. They filled up a total of 91 bags with leaves, weeds and garbage, amounting to about 1,400 pounds.
Local residents were moved by the work of the ASEZ volunteers. Laura Couch, a business owner in the NY Capitol Region expressed her thanks, saying, “Thank you for making the community look better. I agree that areas cleaned up demand more respect, just like dressing up commands better manners.”

Fostering Safe Communities Through the SAVE Movement
The ASEZ volunteers in from the Albany, NY area are happy to share God the Mother’s love with their Troy neighbors, by contributing to their safety and happiness. They look forward to continuing their partnership with the City of Troy and fostering safe and welcoming environments for the community.
In Albany, just a few weeks before the Memorial Day cleanup, ASEZ attended the New York State Assembly and Senate session meetings in the official chambers of the NY State Capitol building. Senator Monica Martinez sponsored the volunteers to set up panels showcasing their activities and the awards they’ve received all around the world. Focusing on the importance of working together, the student volunteers met with government officials to cultivate positive changes in the world.

Globally, ASEZ carries out the SAVE Movement through Social service, Awareness raising, Victim relief and Environmental protection projects. Through activities in these areas, ASEZ volunteers aim to help fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals.
The volunteers believe that keeping parks and streets clean is one of many ways to share love with their neighbors. They believe that small deeds like these have a ripple effect on the world, improving the safety, health and happiness of all seven billion people. They also wholeheartedly believe that the way to accomplish this is with the heart of Heavenly Mother. To learn more about volunteering with ASEZ or to collaborate on a project, please reach out to us.
Also, make sure to watch ASEZ in action on WYNT and CBS News!