“Mother’s Street” Cleanup at University at Buffalo
ASEZ volunteers carried out the “Mother’s Street” campaign at the University at Buffalo, removing excess vegetation and weeds in front of student housing near the South Campus.
The Niagara Falls overlooking into Canada are the spotlight in Buffalo, one of the largest cities in New York State.
Likewise, members of the Church of God strive to shine the light of Christ through interactive Bible studies and volunteer services. On August 4, 2019, members of ASEZ WAO, the Church of God’s volunteer group for working professionals, hosted a united Upstate New York Environmental Protection Forum for the first time. It featured a panel of six professionals in various fields that spoke on the global challenge of reducing plastic and the impacts plastic use can have on the environment. During the event, NYS Assemblywoman Crystal People-Stokes signed an MOU to show her support of ASEZ WAO and their initiatives.
Continue reading about the good deeds of the Church of God to see how you can get involved in the Buffalo area!
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ASEZ volunteers carried out the “Mother’s Street” campaign at the University at Buffalo, removing excess vegetation and weeds in front of student housing near the South Campus.
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