On Monday, April 29, 2024, ASEZ volunteers from Cambridge had their first tree planting event in Everett, Massachusetts. Thirty students from MIT, Tufts University, Harvard University and Bunker Hill Community College participated. Joining them were Councilors Holly Garcia and Stephanie Martins of Everett.
Under the guidance of Casey-Lee Bastien, the lead landscape architect, ASEZ volunteers planted a variety of trees along Riverbend Park. Among the species planted were willows, gray dogwoods, nannyberry viburnum, and juneberry serviceberry. In less than two hours, they had successfully planted over 100 trees. The young adult students organized this event, inspired by the biblical principle that “a man reaps what he sows.”

Making Everett Greener
This cleanup was part of the ASEZ Green Carbon Campaign, which encourages young adults to protect the environment and reduce climate change. Planting trees helps increase oxygen and reduce carbon dioxide, sustaining life on Earth. Many young adults globally, including in Massachusetts, joined this international effort. By volunteering, university students positively impact their communities and set an example for environmental protection, believing that everyone’s efforts can make a difference.
Councilwoman Stephanie Martins said that she “loved that the volunteers are taking time first thing on a Monday morning to be here to beautify the city of Everett, making Everett greener.” Councilwoman Holly Garcia expressed, “this was a fantastic group of volunteers. You guys are very driven, hardworking and got the job done very quickly!” The councilwomen expressed gratitude for being invited and commended the students for organizing the event. They shared advice with the students about giving back to the community and emphasized their determination to help local communities.
Many trees were planted through the unified efforts of government officials, student volunteers, and dedicated individuals. Although the trees may seem small and insignificant now, they will soon grow and become essential for life on Earth.

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Thank you for continuing to the sustainability of our planet 🌏