What is the WMSCOG?

Q: What is the WMSCOG?

A: The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) is a Christian non-denominational church that bases its beliefs entirely on the Bible.


Established in 1964 by Christ Ahnsahnghong, the WMSCOG is the only Christian church that keeps the New Covenant that Jesus Christ established 2,000 years ago. The Church also believes in Elohim God—God the Father and God the Mother, who are testified in the Bible.


Members put God’s teachings into practice through various acts of volunteerism and have been recognized by numerous government officials and prestigious organizations for their contribution to the welfare of society.


The WMSCOG, which has now grown to more than 7,500 locations in 175 countries, continues to strive towards the world mission of restoring the truth of eternal life, which was lost during the Dark Ages, through preaching. And in doing so, share God’s love that leads to salvation of all people.

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