“Mother’s Street” Cleanup in Newburgh
About 200 ASEZ volunteers clean up three streets in Newburgh, gathering a total of 50 bags of trash along with hundreds of pounds of abandoned objects.
Newburgh is known for its rich history and architecture, including 4,000 historic sites. And it is not too far from the Church of God in New Windsor.
Church of God members and ASEZ university students make effort to help their neighbors by working with Newburgh officials to determine what is needed in the community.
In 2018, About 200 volunteers, consisting of members and university students, joined forces to carry out a Mother’s Street and Reduce Crime Together cleanup in Newburgh. Working together with Mayor Torrance Harvey and the Newburgh City Council, they targeted three streets: City Terrace, Johnston Street and Lander Street and collected about 50 bags of litter and several hundred pounds of bulk waste. They also completely remade a makeshift basketball court that local children created in an empty lot on Johnston Street.
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About 200 ASEZ volunteers clean up three streets in Newburgh, gathering a total of 50 bags of trash along with hundreds of pounds of abandoned objects.
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