Hurricane Irene Disaster Relief
Volunteers spent days assisting residents in the northern New Jersey town of Pompton Lakes who were in desperate need of help after the catastrophic flooding caused by Hurricane Irene.
New Jersey is home to the first Church of God established in the East Coast. Since its beginnings, members have devoted themselves to helping and uplifting their neighbors through cleanups, blood drives, charity walks, family and community events, and even crime prevention forums.
Being among the first to respond during disasters, the various locations of the Church of God in New Jersey not only provided much-needed help during Hurricanes Irene and Sandy, but more than 1,200 were also certified as first responders. And today, there are Church of God locations from North New Jersey all the way down to the southern part of the state.
Partnering with government officials and community leaders, the Church of God volunteers in New Jersey have made recognized contributions in their communities. And the students from colleges and universities all throughout the State are raising awareness and inspiring their classmates to unite and take action towards achieving a sustainable future for humanity and the environment.
Interested in visiting one of the locations of the Church of God in New Jersey? Send us a note below.
Volunteers spent days assisting residents in the northern New Jersey town of Pompton Lakes who were in desperate need of help after the catastrophic flooding caused by Hurricane Irene.
Church volunteers participated in the 10th Annual North New Jersey Walk Now for Autism Speaks, helping out with event registration and games for children.
More than 140 Church of God volunteers assisted in the Appelt Park Japanese Knotweed Removal project.
WMSCOG East Coast
ASEZ East Coast
ASEZ WAO East Coast
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