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International University Bible Academy (IUBA) Summer Camp 2024

From June 30 to July 4, 2024, the International University Bible Academy (IUBA) Summer Camp brought together 250 college students to New Windsor, New York. From many churches along the East Coast such as Philadelphia, Washington DC, Maryland, and even as far as Kentucky, the students were excited for a week of spiritual growth and learning. This year’s camp also celebrated a decade since the establishment of IUBA in 2014.

Building Goals and a Positive Mindset

On the first day, students were introduced to the importance of setting goals to stay focused and motivated as campus prophets. They were encouraged to see themselves as the next generation of leaders entrusted with fulfilling the gospel mission described in Matthew 28:18-20: “Go and make disciples of all nations.”

Nancy Lopez, a sophomore at Carnegie Mellon University, shared her experience with one activity in particular. The activity involved writing negative thoughts on paper and then putting them in a paper shredder. This exercise helped students physically and spiritually let go of their negativity and move forward with a positive mindset. She said, “The most memorable part of this camp was the activity where we wrote down and then discarded negative thoughts. This helped me realize how often I think negatively. However, since God Almighty knows the end from the beginning, all possibilities are boundless, even when my limited intellect suggests otherwise.”

Unity in Action

On the last day, the students participated in an exciting lightshow performance. It was the first of its kind by IUBA students in the US. With just one day to learn and perform, this was their chance to apply everything they had learned during camp. They stayed attentive, sharp and most importantly, united. The result was a beautiful performance that sparked excitement around the world to accomplish the IUBA campus mission.

Onesha Dalrymple, a student at the IUBA Summer Camp, shared her reflections on the camp’s impact. She said, “I am grateful for three things: being part of a beautifully blessed mission, understanding that no effort is in vain, and drawing strength from the consistency of the word of God. I want to bring the gospel to my home in Newport News, Virginia. I’ve learned that having the Holy Spirit isn’t about knowing the right words but taking the right actions. It’s about being a living example of God’s promises. All I need is continued faith and obedience to His word. I’m thankful for this amazing experience and excited to play my part in God’s plan.”

To view more Church of God activities, please click here.

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