God’s Coming From the East

God’s Coming From the East

The Bible lets us know how Second Coming Christ will come, when He will come, and even where He will come from. And according to the Bible, He will come from the East.

“Then I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God.”

Revelation 7:2

“Then I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God.”

The purpose of Christ’s second coming is to bring salvation (Heb 9:28). The Bible explains that the work of salvation, placing the seal of God on God’s chosen people, begins in the East. And so, Christ, too, will come from the East.


Even the prophets in the Old Testament wrote about Second Coming Christ coming from the East.

“From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose.”

According to the Bible, a bird of prey represents God carrying out His salvation work (Ex 19:4). So Isaiah explains that God will come as a man from a far-off land in the East to bring salvation. This aligns with what John wrote in the book of Revelation: God’s sealing work—His salvation—comes from the East. Once we know what the seal of God is and where it began, we will know where Second Coming Jesus will come from.


According to the Bible, the Seal of God is the New Covenant Passover (Jn 6:27, 53–56; Lk 22:15–20). After its abolishment in A.D. 325 at the Council of Nicaea, the New Covenant Passover had not been celebrated until it was reestablished during our time in South Korea, the far-off land in the East. Christ Ahnsahnghong reestablished the New Covenant Passover, proving Himself to be the Second Coming Christ from the East, just as the Bible prophesied.

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